Monday, May 2, 2011

Decorating Inexpensively...fruits, veggies & flowers

Using fruits, veggies and flowers can drastically reduce your cost of decorating for a swanky affair. By choosing things that are in season, or that may go with your theme, you are not only getting a great pop of color, but you are also able to eat them once they have served their purpose!

This weekend was my Mexican Fiesta, I stopped at my cheapest produce outlet and for a mere $20, got bagfuls of fresh peppers, lemons, oranges and limes. I had enough to decorate with them in almost every room of my home.

Just scattering a few throughout some places that needed a little bit of color gave me the look I was going for......

Another thing I like to do is use what nature has in season too! I clipped this branch from a tree in my yard and it served as a lovely backdrop for my bar area.

Just by snipping a few flowers from my azalea bush outside brought a little something extra to the candles I had lined up in my living room.

Behind my sink is an area of blank space that I always try to jazz up according to the season or party we are having. I added three different types of peppers, a vase of lemons and limes and a potted plant to keep the color scheme neutral. My little bit of color that I needed was a picture of the Mexican flag that came with some stickers I had bought, I popped it in a frame & voila!
So by shopping in your produce department as if you were shopping in an extravagant flower shop, you can create some beautiful spaces!

Linking up today with some fabulous blogs, stop on over and see all the posts!

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